World Disco Soup Day 2018
28. April 2018
On this day, all over the world, we throw parties where organizers and visitors turn foodwaste into a discosoup! An event to cook, eat and dance together. Showing the fun way to save food, while thinking seriously about the amount that goes to waste.
Last year we Slow Food Youth Network, organized the first ever World Disco Soup Day. 10.000 people, turned more than 5.000 kilograms of food into 25.000 meals. Over a hundred Disco Soups were organized, in 40 countries, across 5 continents.
We ask you to join us and make a difference by organizing your own Disco Soup event or attend one in your area on this day: Saturday April 28, 2018!
Check here if there’s one near you: https://goo.gl/rnif2C
Check out this page: http://bit.ly/createyourdiscosoup
“In order to save the planet you have to throw a better party than the people who are ruining it.” (Tristam Stuart, environmentalist)
WHY a Disco Soup day?
Today, one third of the food produced for our consumption is wasted. It is being fed to bins. Saving 25% of this would be enough to feed 870 million hungry people in the world, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
We all care about this big problem and we want to change this. Filling bellies, instead of bins! Not by just telling you to don’t waste food, but also by celebrating when you save food! That is what we do with Disco Soup!
“Often people have a perception that climate change work can be quite hard work. Disco Soup is the perfect way to show that the solutions are really delicious and you can have a lot of fun while you are doing it as well.”
Let the world know you’re interested in World Disco Soup Day 2018. Even better, if you are doing something to fight food waste, tag us!
o #worlddiscosoupday #wdsd
o #fillbelliesnotbins
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/worlddiscosoupday/