Vorstellung des Projektes „Megalopolis #1: Stimmen aus Kinshasa“
26. April 2018, 19:00 Uhr
The 30th of November 2018, an exhibition will open at Grassi Museum: “ Megalopolis #1: Stimmen aus Kinshasa“.
This exhibition will be the result of several months of a collective residency in Kinshasa with more than 30 local artists organized by the two congolese curators Freddy Tsimba & Eddy Ekete.
Kinshasa, from the eyes of its artists will be presented as a dynamic urban and international megalopolis.
This exhibition in between two countries is the opportunity to link territories, to exchange on disciplines such as history, anthropology, sociology, contemporary art, political sciences, economy etc.
Eddy Ekete and Freddy Tsimba, the two curators, joined by Aude Bertrand and Lydia Hauth the two coordinators, will be presenting this project at Pöge Haus on Thursday 26th of April at 7 pm.
“ We invite people from Leipzig to build with us this dynamic exchange with Kinshasa!“
Eddy Ekete and Aude Bertrand will also present an international festival they yearly organize in Kinshasa : KINACT : international meeting of performing artists . Kinact is taking place during one month in the streets of Kinshasa, moving from area to area and pedagogical activities for children, performing arts, workshops, conferences, video projections.